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Tell a friend about this! | Dodge Replica Key - Y160-PT Key with plastic head and carbon transponder chip. This chip requires programming before it will start the vehicle. Must be cut to pattern or code number in order to turn in the locks.
Applications: Chrysler:300M 98>, Cirrus 99>, Cirrus Convertible 01>, Cirrus Sedan 01>, Concorde 98>, Lhs 98>, Neon 98>, New Yorker 01>, Pt Cruiser 00>, Pt Cruiser Le 01>, Sebring Convert 98>, Sebring Coupe 01 - 02, Sebring Sedan 01 - 02, Stratus 99>, Town & Country 01>, Vision 98>, V.
Manufacturers Part No: Y160-PT PLEASE NOTE: We also provide spare and replacement lost or broken car keys, remotes, fobs. Contact us for more info. Only £20.73 incl VAT. Delivery available to UK/Europe |